Pets are listed on Adopt a Pet by shelters, rescues, and private owners.
If a pet’s profile says, "Being cared for by Private owner", the pet is available for adoption directly from their current owner and listed through our Rehome by Adopt a Pet service. By listing their pet directly on Adopt a Pet, families in the unfortunate situation of needing to find another loving family for their pet, have the opportunity to transition their pet directly from their current home to their new home.
By doing this, their pet doesn't have to experience the potential stress, anxiety and uncertainty of entering the sheltering system and this helps free up shelters and rescues to help the pets who need them most.
The city and state you see listed is the private owner (and pet)'s location. To learn more about adopting a pet from a private owner, check out our Your step-by-step guide to adopting a pet through Rehome!