Good question! If a rehomed pet sees their previous family it can be very upsetting and confusing for them—for this reason—Rehome does not recommend allowing previous private owners to visit once the adoption has been finalized.
Also, as a safety precaution for you and your family, we do not recommend sharing your home address with anyone.
While Rehome’s Transfer of Ownership agreement does not cover post-adoption visitation, Rehome does not have a strict policy forbidding previous families who want visitation rights. With that said, as the pet’s new parent, this is 100% your decision, and also your responsibility to negotiate any terms (outside of Rehome’s Transfer of Ownership agreement) with the previous family if you agree to visitations.
Most adopters are not comfortable committing to a stranger visiting their home weekly, monthly, or annually. Instead, we recommend offering to send them a photo and/or video update one time after the adoption. This is more inline with a typical adoption arrangement!
If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this, please submit a request here.